Monday, July 20, 2009

Basic JSP Portlet

1.Basic JSP Portlet


[the xml files are located under "ext/ext-web/docroot/WEB-INF"]

1.1. portlet-ext.xml


(insert the below content)



<display-name>JSP Portlet Introduction</display-name>




<value>/html/portlet/ext/jsp_portlet/view.jsp </value>








<role-name>power-user </role-name>






1.2. liferay-portlet-ext.xml


(insert the below content)




1.3. liferay-display.xml


(insert the below content)

<category name="category.example">

<portlet id="EXT_2">


1.4. view.jsp


(create this file under "ext/ext-web/docroot/html/portlet/ext/jsp_portlet"

and enter the below contents)

Welcome to simple Basic JSP Portlet

Note: after this step do "ant deploy" from "ext-web"



(under /ext/ext-impl/src/content)

Add two new entries in the above file,

javax.portlet.title.EXT_2=JSP Portlet


Note: after this step do "ant deploy" from "ext-impl"

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