Monday, July 27, 2009

Tags and Asset Publisher


Go to the Admin page in the Guest Community.
Add the Tags Admin portlet to the page.
Under Add Tag, type dog and add a new category named Animals.
Add another tag named tom add a new category named Friends.
Add a third tag named jane to the Friends category.

First, we will tag a journal article with the dog tag.
Go to the CMS page and click Articles.
We will create an article containing a Haiku about dogs.
After clicking Add Article you are taken to the Edit page.
On the right of the Body Box there is a section labeled Categorization. In that box click Select
Select the tag dog, and save. Once you have added your Haiku, click Save and Approve

As Administrator, create a page named Links and place the bookmarks portlet on it.
Click Add Folder and create a folder named Fun Links and open the folder to add a
We will use the Wikipedia page for dogs as a link. Name the link Dog Wiki, and set the URL
Click Select Tags and choose
the tag dog.
Click Save when finished

2.Asset Publisher

Create a new page under CMS named CMS Article 2.
Change the layout to 50/50 Two Column.
Add two Asset Publisher Portlets to the page, one to each side. Your page should look like
By default the portlet displays all kinds of content. We will change that

Click the Configuration icon on the Asset
Publisher in the left column.
In the Query Logic tab, select tags by the
Animals category, then save.
Click the Display Settings tab, and set the
Display Style to Full Content. Click Save
and return to the full page.
The left Asset Publisher now looks like this:

Now click the Configuration icon on the right Asset Publisher portlet.
Under Query Logic set it so the displayed content must contain the tag jane.
In the Display Settings tab, once again set the Display Style to Full Content. Click Save, and
return to the full page.
Now you should have the haiku, picture, and bookmark on the left, and the picture on the
Click the Configuration icon on the left Asset Publisher.
Under Query Logic set it so the displayed content must NOT include the tag tom, and click

1 comment :

Anny said...

Greta tips You have wonderfully explained the way of giving asset tags to the various assets. I have a great collection of stamps and I was always confused about their numbers. But now I have numbered them with asset tags that helps me to provide each stamp a unique number which explained its properties.